Sunday, October 17, 2010

Work Out

stupid blogger or google chrome made me rewrite whole thing again!WTF!
basically I'm just saying that recently my body is kinda out of shape LOL
I used to go to gym work out but now very seldom due to noob A2 Zzz...
waste time drive to gym
waste my unnecessary energy
Still,I have to work out regardless exam is coming real sooonnnn...
actually I've found some of work out videos in YOUTUBE!
It's effective and time saving!(for some lazy ass like me =p )
no matter how lazy you are...consistency is a must as well!
well I'd like to share some of these videos ( :
the most sexy part that women think about men
this is the level 1 8 min abs work out!

(8 mins u think is short but can you really complete this whole work out perfectly?)
It's hard core but still i think...EFFECTIVE!

well,now you can try chest work out!(I've just found this and tried recently)
Do them all in the right way & no cheating (if not all are just useless)

Hmm,if you can master the level 1 8mins abs work out..
Give a shot for the level 2!
Do more and lesser time for recovery!

Dare to challenge?!

you still can find a lot of work out videos in youtube
hell lot of techniques you can learn from there(personal trainer is just for lazy people,are you?)
but i would like to declare no matter how much techniques you know how enthusiast you are(initially)
You must have the HEART!
If u want your body to be hot XD

p/s:kv mc get it?the heart~no excuses...

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